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What are the best way to Prepare for IELTS


The IELTS is the International English Language Testing System is the most sought-after English test for language currently in the world. From immigration departments to universities from government agencies to multinational corporations, more than 10,000 organizations around the globe require individuals who are learning English as an additional language to demonstrate their proficiency against IELTS strict requirements.

It's not an easy exam. Along with the ability to communicate in English you'll have to master many strategies for taking tests. But getting the IELTS score you're looking for does not have to be a nightmare! Here are 10 practical ielts preparation tips to help you prepare for success and include plenty of websites for support.

1. Be aware of exactly what you're signing for.

To take an IELTS is akin to getting the perfect job simply because lots of people around you have taken it isn't a guarantee that it won't be difficult and time-consuming. You must conduct a bit of research prior to booking the test. This article on the differences between the TOEFL and IELTS examinations provides a comprehensive outline of the content they contain. It is also possible to look over the official description of the test's structure. Additionally, you need to think about:

  • Do I would prefer the paper-based or computer-based version of IELTS? There's very little distinction between the two versions. Both tests are conducted in an exam center. Some prefer to take the paper exam because they don't need to learn a new keyboard layout. Others think that answering questions is easier with computers.

  • Do I have to take IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training? The IELTS Academic is designed for those who want to take an English-language class IELTS General Training is designed for those who require English abilities for purposes of work or immigration. Both are basically identical, however IELTS General Training is more specialized. IELTS Academic uses more scholarly texts, while IELTS General Training uses more scholarly texts. IELTS General Training is focused on everyday language used in life, such as newspapers and emails. Be aware that if you're attempting to migrate to the UK it is necessary to pass a different type of IELTS referred to as The UKVI IELTS.

  • What's the time frame I'll have to take to get an acceptable IELTS score? First: determine the IELTS score you require. Most companies require a score between a a 7 that is between a B2 and C1 in the CEFR scale.If you are aware of your CEFR grade you can calculate the score you're likely get on the IELTS without much trouble. This will allow you to estimate the amount of time needed to increase your score on the IELTS. According to the IELTS Advantage website "Most English schools recommend at least 6 months to improve a student's level of English by the equivalent of 0.5 -- 1 band score." That's right, even if you're still not fluent in English but you're not yet there, it's a good idea to improve your general English abilities before you begin testing preparation.

Activity item take an hour to spend two acquiring an overview of the test: its format, the test-taking procedure and the abilities you'll require to master. If you are able, contact an acquaintance who has recently passed the test. Think about how long you'll have to devote to achieve the grades you require and schedule your test in a reasonable amount of time in the near future.

2. Find a tutor who is a private one

There are a lot of things to think about in preparing for IELTS. If you are able learn online, working with an IELTS professional tutor will help you save a lot of effort and time.

Your instructor will mark your exam and assist you in deciding what sections to concentrate on. They'll also be rooting for you to succeed, and provide you with the encouragement you need and moral guidance. Don't undervalue how motivating it can be.

3. Find out the criteria for grading from the inside

The key to ace every test is knowing the characteristics of a good answer like. It is the IELTS assessment requirements is your best friend and should serve as the foundation for all your answers! These are the criteria for evaluating your progress. You must learn the rules in depth to ensure you're completing every step to earn the marks you want. This is particularly important for the writing and speaking test as your answers are evaluated based on a variety of subjective aspects. You may also want to check out the answers on the internet but ensure that they come from reputable sources. The IELTS exam board's own websites as well as textbooks from the official IELTS exam board are a good starting point.

Keep in mind that among the unique aspects of this exam is that you're required to make some things wrong! Candidates who must achieve an overall score of 4 are required to take the same test as those who have to get the band 8. A key part of learning about scoring criteria is understanding the number of questions you can afford to fail. For instance, if you're trying to get an A-grade on the test for academic reading You only need to score 23 correct answers from 40. It's pretty reassuring!

Activity item Print a sample answer sheet that is able to achieve the score you're hoping to achieve, then go through it. For the best results, complete this test in conjunction with an IELTS expert tutor to ensure whether all your connections are in order.

4. Utilize the best of official sources

The process of preparing students for taking the IELTS is a massive business. There are numerous classes, textbooks, applications and programs to assist students in their preparation, but it's difficult initially to decide what ones are worth the effort -- or even which ones are dependable. In general avoid investing in tools that you don't require.

Your first point of contact is always the official IELTS exam materials available on the exam board's websites as well as social media channels and textbooks. There's no way to tell if someone is as knowledgeable about the test as the exam's board. Here's how to get started:

  • Official sample papers for IELTS

  • Additional official IELTS practice papers

  • IELTS free preparation classes and other materials available from British Council

  • IELTS videos and helpful tips

  • Official Facebook Page of IELTS

  • Official (free) IELTS apps

  • The following list contains textbooks from the official curriculum

  • The official IELTS progress test

  • Official Facebook Page of IELTS

  • The IELTS Information Publication

Action items: Set up a bookmarks directory in your browser using the most important official sources. Keep up with IELTS the official social channels to get the latest information.

5. Take a look at some of the specialist blogs and YouTube channels.

There are a lot of YouTube channels podcasts, blogs, and Facebook pages by professionals (and "experts") discussing the IELTS test techniques. Many of them are riches of information!

However, you must be cautious about relying on unofficial sources too heavily. Be aware that the IELTS exam changes and adapts almost every year. If you see a blog post and YouTube videos are more than couple of months old, they're most likely outdated. But, the unofficial online communities can provide insight that the test board doesn't, and include the perspectives of test-takers who are also taking part!

Unofficial IELTS resources for free.

  • IELTS Liz is blogger, who writes for students aiming for the top IELTS bands that are 7 and higher. She can even predict which subjects might be asked in light of what was covered on the test last year... however, of course, there is no way to know for sure. likely to be a certainty So, take this information with an ounce of salt.

  • The Fastrack IELTS is an YouTube channel owned by Asiya who was able to score the score of 8.5 on the IELTS herself, enabling her to move to London. She offers detailed tips and tricks to help her get it, and also provides insights on the test's format.

  • IELTS Reddit thread is an active forum for those who take tests.

  • IELTS Complete Course 2020 is a free YouTube course

  • All Ears English is a podcast created specifically for IELTS students.

  • IELTS podcasts are another that has an online blog that offers suggestions.

  • HowToDoIELTS Facebook group.

Action point: Look for IELTS-related material from online communities you already have access to. Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Spotify, YouTube -Exam preppers are everywhere you can get internet access!

6. Practice more than you think you'll have to

Each test involves a specific set of skills to master for instance, the IELTS is a difficult set of competencies. Exam-taking should be a regular element of your studying routine even before you are completely ready.

There are a few abilities you'll require for the IELTS which only tests with practice can help improve. As per Asiya from Fasttrack IELTS, "In my opinion, the biggest challenge of the IELTS exam is time pressure." There's lots to cover in the 2 1/2 hour timeframe, so you'll have to master the ability to work quickly and efficiently. For instance, during the first writing assignment you'll be required to spend just 20 minutes writing 150 words. Only experience will be able to give you an idea of what the process of writing 250 words within 20 minutes feels and looks like.

It's not only the writing section of the exam where you need to practice for a good score. As per Kaplan, "Multitasking is key to the listening section of the test. You must be able to be able to listen as you answer questions and make notes." Try the IELTS listening test will aid in developing this skill.

Take at least one skills test each week prior on the examination. By regularly attempting each section, you will allow you to perfect your timing and plan. If you're able to request a tutor, have them mark your exams, and discuss the weaknesses you might want to improve on.

Step item to take: Locate a vast selection of tests for the exam you plan to learn about, and incorporate test-taking into your study schedule.

7. Plan a study routine (and keep it!)

Your test will be over quick, no matter the time you reserve it! The development of a gameplan is vital to reach your objectives. Determine how much time you'll be able to devote to studying, and schedule those hours on your schedule. Some tutors recommend studying four or five hours per day for the TOEFL, others a minimum of five five hours a week.

Not sure how much time you should or can devote to your textbooks in order to get the results you desire? Schedule a time with a tutor who is specialized to discuss your concerns prior to booking an exam. They can provide you with an appropriate schedule for preparation which will help you save energy and money over the long term and assist you in planning your way to success.

Try to divide your time evenly across the four sections of the test -- in the end, they all have the same marks! There is a British Council has a one-month study schedule that splits each week into different skills to be tested.

The action item is to Look at moments in your routine that you can incorporate some study time. For instance, you could plan flashcards in the morning after breakfast and a half hour of writing or listening exercises after working. Make your study sessions as scheduled meetings with yourself.

8. Learn to speak English as much as you can

We've already talked lots about ways to prepare for the actual test. It's a test of English abilities in the first place which is why the process of improving your English quickly should be on your list! If you're looking at a score of 6 or 7 on the IELTS you're likely to score a 7 or 6 in the test. that your English is already quite good but you're trying to improve your vocabulary and improve your syntax slightly.

It's good to spend the majority of your daytime life pondering in English as you can. Try:

  • Making calls to English-speaking family members or friends at least once per week to practice casual conversations

  • Connecting with more English speakers on the web or in person

  • Games in English (preferably using headsets, speaking to English native speakers)

  • The pleasure of watching English language television and movies

  • Reading in English

  • Making a few languages exchanges

  • The listening to Podcasts that are in English

  • Finding great English language YouTubers

  • You can change your phone's settings to English

  • The news is read in English

  • Making use of certain English applications for language

Some are the most efficient methods to communicate in English easily isn't really about learning or even exposure your self to the culture until it becomes a begin to feel more natural.

Activity item Discover creative strategies to incorporate English into your everyday routine. You can combine your study methods with passive techniques.

9. Expand your vocabulary

Every language student knows that acquiring a large and rich vocabulary is usually the most difficult hurdle to overcome when moving from the intermediate level to the advanced. Improving your vocabulary will aid in gaining proficiency over the entire range of skills on the IELTS. Vocabulary is a significant portion of the scores for the writing and speaking sections, and it will contribute significantly to your ability to pass the listening and reading sections. If you want advice on how to enhance your vocabulary, refer to our guide about how to improve your vocabulary English vocabulary.

Students try to figure out what vocabulary is likely to appear on the IELTS and then focus their efforts on this. This is an extremely risky method as the board cautions against this strategy. The main purpose of an exam is to not know which questions you will be being asked! However, some subjects appear to be discussed more frequently than others. As per IELTS Advantage There are approximately 10 general subjects which are discussed more than other topics. On blogs such as HowToDoIELTS For instance, test takers post recent topics to help other students. IELTS Liz provides predictions for the questions she thinks will appear on the test. You may spot patterns on your own after taking a lot of tests!

The most important thing to remember with subject predictions is not to be a reliance on them. The only thing you can be sure of is the fact that vocabulary will differ regardless of whether you're taking IELTS Academic or IELTS General Training. Based on the variant you're taking you'll need to concentrate on the academic English publications (ie. textbooks, journal articles) or English to use in everyday life (ie. newspapers or magazines, as well as business websites).

Activity item If you do not already have one, you should get notebooks for the latest English words you see as you read, listen to, or viewing English media. Make sure to have it on hand whenever you're learning each new word can be helpful! Every few days, you should transfer the most important, relevant terms into a flashcard program that you can quickly review them on the go.



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